Monday, August 29, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011


More photos I took at Ri Tan park of lotus blossoms.  They are going quickly so wanted to get a few more shots of them before they are gone for the year.


Below are some photos I took at Beijing Railway station this morning.  I like going there because there are so many different kinds of people traveling.  I hate hate hate taking the train but I do love the people I encounter at the train station.  They are interesting and some seem to have a difficult life.  Think of these people next time you have a rough trip, I bet it isn't as hard as the ones they had.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

morning folk

A few photos of people up bright and early in Beijing.  You have to get up when the rooster crows to see these people out and about.


Color or black and white?

Which do you prefer,  color or black and white?  Color shows the vast array of hues that can depict emotion and feeling, black and white strips that all away so we are left with the spirit of the scene.
Which do you prefer?  Below are some photos that allow you to compare.


Friday, August 19, 2011


Some pictures of lotus blossoms I took this morning.  Got up at 5:30 this morning to get to the park to take these.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Flowers and dragonflies

A recent trip to Ri Tan and I got some of the following photos.

Hope you enjoy.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

the Doors 2

More hutong doors.  I went out and took these this morning.  They are also being torn down.  It is a sad fact that most of the door and houses that I have taken recently are scheduled to be torn down.

Enjoy them while they are standing.
