Monday, December 13, 2010


Well, I have said it before and I will say it again. If there is something I don't shoot enough of, it's people!   I should shoot more people, especially in China with such a large and varied populous.  Of course I am talking about shooting photos, come's a photo blog but it doesn't have to be so serious.
Anyway,  below are some photos I took of people in China.  Most are from Hu Nan as it was my most recent journey and I walked through this little town where they were having a kind of fair.  People were selling all sorts of things and all the townspeople were there with these large baskets on their backs.  It was interesting and I got to see it all due to the traffic jam this fair caused.  It's true, sometimes it is good to stop and smell the roses, something like a traffic jam gave me a great opportunity to take some pretty interesting pics.  That is my word of wisdom for the day, make the best of what you got.
Anyway, here they are.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like that baby is sitting on a stool in that basket. Now that's what I call overkill.
