Monday, July 2, 2012

Shepherd's Field Orphanage

Below are some photos from our most recent visit to Shepherd's Field Orphanage in a city close to Beijing. All the children are disabled in some way, many suffering from many problems like cleft palate, blindness, deafness, heart problems, and many other things I have can't even spell.  To put it bluntly they need a lot of things most of which can be gotten by cash donations.  Surgery is what many of these kids needs and badly.  There are few organizations here that help provide the types of operations that these kids need.  Many have heart defects  so please help out if you can.  Any little bit helps.

If you are interested in donating to this orphanage they have an online pay pal account.  You can visit their website at: 

I will warn you that it may be difficult to view some of these photos.

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