Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sea life of Vietnam

Below are some photos of sea life in Vietnam.  Primarily taken in one place.  It was a sea fishing village where the fisherman landed in the afternoons night and would take off in the early morning.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

churches and temples

Below are some photos from my Vietnam visit.  These are from some of the churches and temples we visited.  Some of these churches are quite old as are the temples.  It was interesting to see how the French influenced Catholicism is still strong and alive.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Old Vietnamese

Below are some photos of some elderly people I encountered on my recent trip to Vietnam.  Don't let the wrinkles fool you.  Despite their looks many of these people were quite spry and full of vit and vim.  I was on a motorbike and it took me forever to chase down the lady on the bike.  I kept getting in front of her by what I thought would take her forever to get to and by the time I was off the bike and had camera in hand, she had already passed me.  This happened about 7 times.  We chased her forever before finally getting far enough in front of her to finally get the photo!

disclaimer: these photos are extremely low rez.  I figure why post high rez photos only to have them ripped off by some jack hole.  Sorry if they appear a bit fuzzy.
